
Relative Humidity Products 密析尔仪表提供多种温湿度测量传感器和仪表,包括相对湿度变送器、温湿度变送器、手持指示仪和湿度发生器等。

Q 06284

BSI Certificate
ISO 9001:2008
Michell Instruments Limited UK, has been awarded registration to BS EN ISO9001:2008.

These prestigious accreditations and registration give Michell Instruments Ltd a unique position within the field of hygrometry - independently audited and commended by National Bodies on both quality and calibration.


UKAS Accreditation Certificate
UKAS Schedule of Accreditation
At Michell Instruments Limited UK, we understand and endorse the need to conform to recognised standards for quality and calibration. Our calibration laboratory maintains full traceaility to British (NPL) and American (NIST) Humidity Standards.

Michell Instruments Limited UK, has been accredited to UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) for the calibration of dew point hygrometers since 1986 (laboratory number 0179) and our current dew point calibration range is -90 to +90°C. For full details of our measurement capability please see our Schedule of Accreditation below. Our traceability to NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) is over the range -75 to +20°C.

Michell Instruments Limited UK has been awarded UKAS accreditation for the calibration of relative humidity instruments. The accreditation covers the relative humidity range 10 to 98 %RH at temperatures from 10 to 90°C

As a result of the European Accreditation (EA), our UKAS accreditation carries equal validity in any country which is a member of the EA.

CopyRight © 2009- 珠海欧伯特测控技术有限公司 michell.hk , All Rights Reserved. 电子邮箱:obtains@foxmail.com

公司地址:珠海市明珠南路2029号台商协会中心502室 联系电话:0756-8501177 8534052 8501616 传真:0756-8534051 8501616

网站关键词:MICHELL 露点仪 温湿度变送器 温湿度传感器 气体分析仪 在线露点仪 便携式露点仪 露点变送器